Respirator Fit Test Singapore – Precise and Dependable Air Monitoring Instruments from Lee Hung

Air Quality Meter

The indoor air nature of premises is dependent upon general wellbeing significance. Otherwise called IAQ, indoor air quality, is characterized as the nature of air in a consumed space where tenants express no disappointment, and no realized pollutants are available in fixations that represent a critical wellbeing risk. This is where Lee Hung Scientific and their full line of respirator fit test singapore and checking gear come in, giving IAQ meter that measures temperature, mugginess (percent RH, wet-bulb, dew point), outside air computations, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and airborne particles. These elements are a portion of the essential parts that assist with estimating tenant warm solace and guarantee a sound indoor climate.

Indoor Air Quality Meters for a Healthy Environment

Lee Hung has cooperated with believed brands that have planned IAQ screens that can be effortlessly worked despite being joined by a full scope of cutting-edge capacities. Giving continuous precise estimations, information from these instruments can be utilized to dispense with IAQ issues. Planned and designed for indoor air quality examinations, the changing sensors, locators, and piezoelectric screens, are produced to satisfy industry quality guidelines. Agreeable to significant guidelines, their air quality meters gather information through logical strategies that are inside and out and exact.

respirator fit test singapore

Their scope of screens to meet your IAQ needs

  • IAQ-Calc Meter (7515/7525/7545), for estimations of CO2, temperature, mugginess compute dew point, wet bulb temperature, rate outside air, and discovery of carbon monoxide.
  • P-Trak Ultrafine Particle Counter 8525, which identifies and counts ultrafine particles that are more modest than one micrometre.
  • EVM Series Particulate Mass Concentration and Air Quality Monitor for the ongoing estimation of particulates and gas fixation all the while.
  • Sling Psychrometer that decides relative dampness levels with precision.
  • Formal Demeter for exact, three-boundary observing for low degrees of perilous formaldehyde fumes under temperature and stickiness limits.
  • Double Head Portable Microbiological Air Sampler and Portable Air Microbiological Samplers, which are appropriate for air and surface examination.


At Lee Hung Scientific, they offer a full line of indoor air quality meters that convey solid exactness and dependability. With a scope of hardware that action temperature, moistness, draft, particulates (PM2.5), and gases, for example, CO and CO2, IAQ can be measured ceaselessly and proactively to keep a solid indoor climate. Assess, control, and fulfil IAQ guidelines with Lee Hung by associating with them.
