We are pleased to announce that Nerve Software has added Unlisted Unit Registry Services to our free services. These managed fund services will allow you, the community, to quickly find other players for all your multiplayer needs.
To access these new features, simply select New Service on the Create Account screen found here:
After entering the information required and selecting submit, you will be presented with a box containing your Username and Password. Please make a note of this username and password as you will need them later. Clicking cancel at this point would result in lost data, so please do not click cancel.
Once an account is created, visit any one of our partner sites listed below. When visiting any site, be sure to log into the site by giving your username and password before attempting to join a room. Our sites use the same username and password, so be sure you’re logged in to the site of your choice before trying to join a lobby.
Supported Sites:
Please note that while these services are free, they do have their limitations. You may only create one account per day on each site. Only one instance of a game can exist on a server at any time if it houses both players from our service and registered users. This ensures no “free ride” abuse on servers with publicly available unlisted managed funds utilities. Any attempt at circumventing this limitation will result in all related accounts being banned from our network permanently.
All features found under Create Account (New Service) are provided without warranty or guarantee. Nerve Software will not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use of our services.
You may also create a forum account in addition to your main account if you choose. Just don’t forget your password.
Please note that while registering a new account may take a short amount of time due to database loads, this service is provided without warranty or guarantee. Nerve Software will not be held responsible for any loss or damage from the Unlisted Unit Registry Services.
Unlisted Unit Registry Services cannot assist with direct login issues as we do not have access to your accounts or reset passwords. Users are ultimately responsible for the security of their accounts and should use the same precautions in dealing with us as they would a standard e-commerce site. We will work to resolve any issues that arise, but we have our codes of conduct that must be met when dealing with our service team members.
Please note that while registering a new account may take a short amount of time due to database loads, this service is provided without warranty or guarantee.